Mindset is everything!
Pixel_95 - Mario Zinßer

Curriculum Vitae of Dr.-Ing. Mario Zinßer



since 2023: Software Engineer at TRIQ
- Mathematical modeling for triathlon training planning

- App development and coordination for a triathlon training engine

2019-2022: Dissertation in Electrical Engineering
- Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) / Zentrum für Sonnenenergie- und Wasserstoff-Forschung Baden-Württemberg (ZSW)
- Thesis on simulation of solar modules

2016-2018: Master in Physics
- University of Stuttgart
- Thesis on superconductivity and millikelvin physics

2013-2016: Bachelor in Physics
- University of Stuttgart
- Thesis on solid state physics and microwave investigations

2019: Paramedic
- DRK Landesschule
- German Titel "Rettungssanitäter"

As a volunteer I am in the German Life Guard Society DLRG. ​For several years, I've been the youth leader of my local chapter in Ebersbach/Fils. I organize our training sessions as well as excursions and educational trainings for the members of our association.
Moreover, in the summer months, I love to spend my time at the German coast to serve as a lifeguard at the rescue station in Grömitz. The combination of summer vibes, beach feeling, and the knowledge of accomplishing something good for our society is an indescribable feeling. Thanks to inflatable rescue boats, life buoys, and rescue boards we are able to keep our beaches a safe place to go.


In my spare time I do lots of different kinds of sports. While in the winter, skiing, snow hikes and ice climbing are my main favorites, the summer leaves room for a much larger variety of activities. Rock climbing and hikes in the mountains and glaciers are an awesome possibility to feel you're alive. The more thrilling canyoning is a matter of the hear for me. It combines the outdoor spirit with my adrenaline addiction and adventure feelings.
To explore my own limits, I love to do endurances sports. Most of all, the combination in triathlon is a fascinating, mystical, and legendary experience for me. Probably my biggest dream came true by finishing the Ironman Switzerland 2021. As with every big goal in life, you have to keep in mind: You think it is unattainable, until you have achieved it . The important thing to keep in mind is always: You can stop and the pain will stop, but you will never cross that finish line!
Having in mind all workout setbacks, all external rejections, all dead end thoughts, all my own doubts, and endless training sessions, I have learned like never before: Mindset is Everything!
Simply by looking at these things from another perspective shows that all these obstacles are one by one just possibilities to find new workout methods, external incentive to my own motivation, open-minded and non-biased thoughts covering the whole cognitive spectrum eventually leading to new ideas, meaningful consideration of my own work, and finally a perfect training for my own perseverance.
