Mindset is everything!
Pixel_95 - Mario Zinßer

Scientific Publications

M. Zinßer, T. Helder, T. Magorian Friedlmeier, A. Bauer, T. Kirchartz, U. Rau, R. Wächter, M. Powalla
„Holistic Yield Modeling, Top-Down Loss Analysis, and Efficiency Potential Study of
Thin-Film Solar Modules” 🔗
Communications Physics 6, 55 (2023)

M. Zinßer
„Electrical and Optical Modeling of Thin-Film Photovoltaic Modules” 🔗
PhD thesis at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (2022)

T. Helder, A. Kanvce, M. Zinßer, R. Gutzler, S. Paetel, W. Hempel, T. Magorian Friedlmeier, M. Powalla
„How small changes make a difference: Influence of low silver contents on the effect of RbF-PDT in CIGS solar cells” 🔗
Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications (2022)

M. Zinßer, B. Braun, T. Helder, T. Magorian Friedlmeier, B. Pieters, A. Heinlein, M. Denk, D. Göddeke, M. Powalla
„Irradiation-dependent Topology Optimization of Metallization Grid Patterns used for latitude-based Yield Gain of Thin-film Solar Modules” 🔗
MRS Advances 7, 706–712 (2022)

M. Zinßer
„Numerically Robust Methodology for Fitting Current-Voltage Characteristics of Solar
Devices with the Single-Diode Equivalent-Circuit Model” 🔗
arXiv:2206.13087 [physics.comp-ph] (2022)

M. Zinßer, T. Helder, A. Bauer, T. Magorian Friedlmeier, J. Zillner, J.-P. Becker, M. Powalla
„Optical and Electrical Loss Analysis of Thin-film Solar Cells combining the Methods of Transfer-Matrix and Finite Elements” 🔗
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 12, 1154–1161 (2022)

T. Helder, A. Kanevce, A. Bauer, M. Zinßer, S. Paetel, T. Magorian Friedlmeier, M. Powalla
„DLTS investigations on CIGS solar cells from an inline co-evaporation system with RbF post-deposition treatment” 🔗
EPJ Photovoltaics 17, 7 (2022)

M. Zinßer, M. Loy, T. Helder, A. Bauer, T. Magorian Friedlmeier, M. Powalla
„Finite ElementSimulation of Electrical Intradevice Physics of Thin-Film Solar Cells and Its Implications on the Efficiency” 🔗
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 12, 483–492 (2022)

M. Denk, K. Rother, M. Zinßer, C. Petroll, K. Paetzold
„Nodal cosine sine material interpolation in multi objective topology optimization with the global criteria method for linear elasto static heat transfer potential flow and binary cross entropy sharpening” 🔗
Proceedings of the Design Society, 2247–2256 (2021)

M. Zinßer, K. Schlegel, M. Dressel, M. Scheffler
„Role of non-linear effects and standing waves in microwave spectroscopy: Corbino measurements on superconductors and VO2” 🔗
Review of Scientific Instruments 90, 034704 (2019)

M. Zinßer
„Microwave investigations on SrTiO3-based materials at mK temperatures” 🔗
Master's thesis at University of Suttgart (2018)

M. Zinßer
„Frequenz-und temperaturabhängige Mikrowelleneigenschaften supraleitender Proben in Corbino-Geometrie” 🔗
Bachelor's thesis at University of Suttgart (2016)

